De real deal has not yet been sealed

Dem Boys Seh…

Seventeen (17) Guyanese-born professionals from America calling fuh renegotiation of de contract wah was signed between ExxonMobil and the Soulja Bai government. Dem boys been calling long time now for dis and dem boys glad fuh see dat other people now realizing how dem oil company outsmart de Hap-New-Hay- Eff-See government.
Dem 17 professionals calling fuh a resolution of the problems with de pre-contract costs, de wide difference in de cost between Liza 1 and Liza 2, de taxes wah Guyana gat to pay fuh dem oil companies, de interest rates on loans which we gat fuh repay, de threat to we water, land and air should there be an oil spill and checking de amount of wah Exxon seh dem pumping.
While de Magnificent 17 asking fuh de renegotiation of de contract, dem concentrating on issues that arise from de contract rather than dem issues which already inside de contract. Dem boys seh if de new government fix de contract and fix it right, den nobody nah gan gat fuh worry about dem thing wah de Magnificent 17 calling fuh.
De real issue is nah discrepancies which is about dem things wah nah match up. De real issue is dispossession which is about wah missing or gone. De real issue is about what Guyanese getting from this agreement.
De real issue is who getting what. Dem Boys know dat Guyanese nah gat much fuh get with dis deal. Dem boys seh therefore dat de entire contract gat fuh be renegotiated. Cherry-picking nah gan deliver oranges. It gan still give we cherries.
Talk half and keep de pressure up fuh a better deal fuh we children.

See original here: