
De-Dollarization? Not so fast

The previous column discussed several important international functions the dollar performs. The dollar serves as an international store of value enabling countries that earn foreign exchange to save in an easily convertible currency. It serves as a medium of exchange allowing payments beyond the American border. It also serves as a unit of account permitting…

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BOOT illusions and Amaila

The build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) financial arrangement has been used around the world to fund important infrastructure in partnership between government and private investors. In this financing model, the private investor upfronts the initial investment cost and expects to be repaid over some time period. The investor has an expected rate of return before underwriting the project….

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Macroeconomic issues relating to the large early withdrawal from the NRF

In the previous column, I noted several positive features of the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) Act of 2021. I also outlined several potential downsides such as the possibility for employing unnecessary financial consulting in the face of a legally-mandated passive investment strategy, the power relations between the officers of the Fund and government given the…

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