15 Questions with RedThread – Crude Reality: Guyanese struggle with surging costs

  1. What organization were the guests on the radio talk show from?
    The guests were Halima Khan and Joy Marcus from Red Thread, a grassroots women’s rights organization in Guyana.
  2. What year was Red Thread founded?
    Red Thread was founded in 1986.
  3. What are the three main priorities Red Thread organizes around?
    Red Thread organizes around ending violence against women, access to affordable goods and services, and political visibility for grassroots women.
  4. How much did Joy Marcus say a loaf of bread cost 5 years ago versus now?
    She said a loaf of bread cost around $140 to $160 5 years ago, compared to $400-$500 now.
  5. What did Halima Khan say mangoes used to cost versus their current price?
    Halima said 5 to 7 mangoes used to cost around $200 about 5 years ago, but now 5 to 7 goes for $1000.
  6. What techniques did Joy Marcus describe people using to stay cool without air conditioning?
    She said people freeze water bottles to use as makeshift air conditioning units and fan themselves with cardboard.
  7. What percentage minimum wage hike did Joy Marcus recommend?
    She recommended raising the minimum wage to around $200,000-$250,000 per month.
  8. What access issue did Halima Khan emphasize as a major problem?
    She emphasized lack of access to land for the common people while foreign investors get land easily.
  9. How long did Joy Marcus wait before getting an allocation letter for a house lot?
    She waited 10 years to get a house lot allocation letter.
  10. What did the guests say about who is benefiting from Guyana’s oil wealth?
    They said there has been no benefit to the common people, only the political elite and foreign investors are benefiting.
  11. How long have the Red Thread protests been held in front of the Office of the President?
    The protests have been held monthly for over a year.
  12. Why did Joy Marcus say people are afraid to publicly support the Red Thread protests?
    She said people fear losing their jobs or other victimization.
  13. What pension issue did the guests bring up regarding NIS contributions?
    They criticized NIS for not ensuring employers submit workers’ contributions in a timely manner.
  14. What working women’s recommendation did Joy Marcus suggest regarding government offices?
    She recommended government offices have daycare centers so breastfeeding mothers can access their children.
  15. What did Joy Marcus say belongs to the Guyanese people?
    She said Guyana’s natural resources belong to the Guyanese people.